Butterly Snack Bags!
Get creative with your little ones, making these easy and simple butterfly snack containers that will keep them entertained, enjoying their yummy healthy snacks!
-Cloth pins, glue, glue gun, Markers or crayons, Google eyes, Pipe cleaners, Scissors, Snack size Zipper lock bags and ANY variety of snacks!
1) Color a cloth pin in any unique way.
2) Cut the pipe cleaners in about 1" strands, Curl the tips using a pencil/crayon and twist the pipe cleaner around it in 1 full circle.
3) Put a dab of hot glue gun on the inside tip of the cloth pin and place the pipe cleaners in a v shape from the inside.
4) Put a couple of tiny dabs of Elmers glue on the front top of the cloth pin and place your google eyes right over the glue. Let it sit for about an hour.
5) Lastly, fill your Ziploc baggies with any goodies of your choice. If you baggy is larger, you will need to fold it over to one side. Seperate the snacks down the center of the baggy and pull through the completed cloth pin through the center.
Well done! You now have a beautiful and unique butterfly snack holder. Enjoy!